Body Treatment


Relieves muscle tension and stimulates circulation.

30 Min. ____________________ $65
50 Min. ____________________ $125
80 Min. ____________________ $165​

Deep Tissue

Realigns the deep layer of muscles and connective tissue while increasing oxygen flow to inflamed muscles by applying pressure. 

30 Min. ____________________ $75
50 Min. ____________________ $135
80 Min. ____________________ $175​


A shared experience of your preferred treatment

30 Min.____________________ $190
50 Min. ____________________ $280
80 Min. ____________________ $350​


A shared experience of your preferred treatment

50 Min. ____________________ $135
80 Min. ____________________ $175​

Hot Stone

Melts away  stress through a heated smooth stone and aromatherapy oils.

50 Min. ____________________ $140
80 Min. ____________________ $175​

Radio Frequency.

25 Min. ___________________$80/ Single Sesion
25 Min._____________________$65/ 6 Sesions or more
50 Min.___________________$125 /1 Sesion Trial
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